Packaging Design Evaluation
User experience not only applies to digital applications, but for tangible products as well. Whether it’s usability or human factors, proper assessment and evaluation of tangible products are vital for businesses to remain competitive and successful.
Research Objectives
The objective of this project was to understand the perceptions and usage behaviors of formula packaging designs, with the ultimate goal of providing product design recommendations for the client.
From gathering perceptions and usage behaviors of various package designs to evaluating the experiences of using the packages, the goal was to provide a ranking of design versions from most preferred to the least.
The qualitative research involved conducting in-person moderated sessions consisting of questions and task scenarios. Each version of the product design was evaluated one-by-one by the participant through task scenarios, with the participants having the opportunity to provide their impressions, thoughts, satisfaction ratings, and feedback.

Findings & Implications
Based on the results of the 17 sessions, we found that being able to use the product with one hand was the most crucial factor that affects preference. Additionally, efficiency, cleanliness, and proper latching of the package were found to be more important than the color and label of the product. One of the most important findings was that Version A was the most favored and Version E the least.

Impact & Reflection
Malfunctioning of the product package prototypes and completing the session on time without interruptions were some challenges we faced.
As the project lead, I thoroughly evaluated the challenges and took a tactical approach to resolve the issues at hand. Time was of the essence due to tight deadlines, so I took a rapid approach of adjusting the logistics of the project.
For the malfunctioning prototypes, we improvised and used craft materials to repair the prototype to a functioning state, specifically the latch of the lid. This was supplemented with a modified script to ensure that participants were aware of the issue.
As for the sessions, since many of the participants were mothers with young babies in the testing room, I made adjustments to the interview and tasks during the session and targeted questions that were most closely aligned with the test objectives. This allowed us to gather rich data without compromising the quality of the research.
This study was very intriguing to me because there were many findings that were novel and insightful. From the outer label design to the ergonomics of product packages, the participants had varying insights but converged on similar preferences.
More importantly, as it was found that medium and rectangular packages were the most preferred due to ease-of-use with one hand, the design has been modified and can now be found on the shelves of grocery stores today.